A collection of art & handmade goods

Located on the Leelanau Peninsula in the heart of Suttons Bay, MI


Blue North Arts Featured

Artists and Makers-

Blue North Arts

309 North Saint Joseph St. Suttons Bay MI 49682

Located on the beautiful Leelanau peninsula of northern lower Michigan. “The land of delight”

Come see us in the colorful bayside village of Suttons Bay! Blue North Arts is hard to miss with our bright orange store front and shared cozy porch along side The Happy Woman shop.


please note-

-We do not ship

-no dogs allowed

(except on duty, certified, trained medical service alert dogs for persons with disability)

-Small children must be carried while you shop.

-Plan to purchase items you allow them to handle

*Closed during winter storms


Subject to change without notice

Sunday 12-4

Monday tbd

Tuesday tbd

Wednesday tbd

Thursday tbd

Friday tbd

Saturday 11-4